News: September 2024...
This web site contains, hopefully, some interesting information on my electronic music and my unique self designed and and built equipment that I’ve used to create it.
Over the years I have both gigged and recorded with this home designed and built equipment. It has greatly helped me create my own brand of electronic music. I’ve composed and recorded 15 albums, some of which have been released by independent labels on cassette and vinyl. They are now all available on my own label from this site as CDs or high quality FLAC & MP3 downloads.
“Out of Control” was a unique electronic duo I jointly formed in the late nineteen seventies with guitarist/song writer Phil Clogg. I used a 1MHz Synertek “Sym1”, one of the first 8 bit microprocessor boards available in the UK to drive my extended modular synthesiser for live performances as an interactive ‘electronic third member’. The band OOC story here.
In the eighties I extended this basic 2 output 8 bit DAC sequencing project. The RAM was increased to 16Kbyte and I used a 12bit multiplexed DAC to create 15 channels of sequenced CV output and 1 channel of 8 percussion triggers. With this I was able to do solo gigs. The first big outing I used it for was to support Hawkwind at a UK Electronica festival at Milton Keynes.
Also later in the eighties I pioneered the basic physical modelling of several musical
instruments in the analogue domain by designing some unique voltage controlled analogue
delay line modules to add to my home-
I hope you find something of interest here musically, technically or even historically.
Best wishes,
[ By the way, if you find my music available for free or cheap anywhere else on the web, it’s either a second hand CD or more likely it’s pirated !!! Copyright to some means nothing I’m afraid. So if you have any respect the vast amount of effort, time and money artists spend practicing, creating and distributing their music, please don’t steal it! For me, I am not rich, so without some kind of income from music, it is increasingly harder to produce and distribute music].
Site designed & maintained by Ron Berry, 1st posted 2002; last updated September 2024.
Site: General Information...
REAKTOR DIGITAL ACOUSTIC MODELLING PATCHES... (32KB, (61KB), (17KB, (36KB). See acoustic modelling section for details of what these free patches contain.
A web site promoting the unique electronic music of Ron Berry; an English musician who builds and designs his own synthesisers and recording equipment.
I’m still in the process of working on the new studio room in the new house amongst other things, but I have managed to complete a few tracks of new music. It’s such a relief to be actually producing something after such a long layoff due to moving to and working on a new (actually quite old) house. Hopefully I’ll be in a position to release something before too long.